Thursday, May 10, 2012


I have nothing left to say. Or rather so much, that I cannot understand where to begin.
Divergent points of view in my mind forcing me to accept the unbreakable boundary of my understanding.
But I push. There is nothing to lose, I tell myself.
What do you do when there is no reason left in the methods you employ to live/exist?
I beg for salvation through music, the only truth I know. And I want to study about how my mind understands the cadence of notes and how it affects each impulse passing from brain to muscle and back.
They said in olden times one used to try tracing out the stars and shapes within them to understand matter and its components, because breaking them down was much harder than reading the stars : I try understanding myself and the rest of the world through music, since riddles tire me.
I believe in magic.
I believe in true love.
I believe there is a world out there too simple for us to comprehend.

1 comment:

  1. The last line could be the greatest universal truth, there ever has been.

    Write here more often, mad one. You're interesting on he internet . :)
