Tuesday, December 21, 2010


i will let you fade into a memory
keeping the dream alive
help it smile
and weave
and weave...

my heart is home

Saturday, December 11, 2010


so they say im a guest in my life,
making special appearances,
one instant, i almost met me,
i was shy to say hello,
although i did seem happy, or at least i think so.

i have seen death,
lived to see my life's final breath,
i saw her put up a fight,
i knew i must leave,
i cried on my shoulder,
'i love you' i told her

there is not much to take away,
not much that makes me stay,
and all in all
i saw me have a ball,
but when lightning struck,
i saw me looking hollow, i think i thought i died.

now, i am lazarus, back from the netherworld,
and as i tell my tale,
i see these faces go pale,
why? i ask,
and take off my heavy mask..